Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Virgin Galactic

Virgin's Spaceship Two was preforming a test flight on Halloween of this year when an unexpected incident occurred. Spaceship Two was flying at about FL500 when it started to break up due to a malfunction.  The NTSB original thought that this was caused by fuel issues but then later discovered that the accident was more so related to "Wing Booms".

Virgin Galactic which is owned by Richard Branson has been heavily investing into space travel.  Through the years, Virgin Galactic has made headline after headline with its progression and sale of tickets into space. For about $20,000 one can purchase a ticket which climbs you into space and gives you a brief idea of the atmosphere.

Space travel is such a new design that the FAA along with other agencies world wide have not had the knowledge enough to create rules and regulations for such thing. As of right now, space travel happens to be untouched uncharted territory.

I believe that within  the decade space travel will be more prominent and more readily available to commercial clients. With the rate of progression that Virgin Galactic is proving, space travel might be here sooner than we think. Though this accident is a major set back, it is also a learning curve. All virgin can do from here is learn and progress.

For a business position within Virgin Galactic one must accrue the following:


•    8 plus years of financial and contractual management experience is required
•    Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or related field; MBA is desired
•    Strong budget/forecast and financial analysis skills
•    Strong understanding and abilities in procurement processes
•    Business Management experience supporting aerospace/newspace companies are
      highly preferred
•    Exemplary written and oral communication skills
•    Familiarity with ITAR regulations and compliance
•    Solid negotiation and influencing skills
•    Strong administration/time management skills
•    Familiarity with FAR financial requirements are a plu


  1. $20,000 is a lot of money for a ticket. It will be interesting to see if space travel is actually more time efficient than regular air travel. I wonder if it will actually save time going up into orbit and then coming back down to your destination versus the airlines. I have the feeling it will be more along the lines of customers buying a ticket just to say they traveled in space as opposed to efficiency.

  2. I think it's interesting that you think commercial space flight is on track to be readily available within a decade or so. I think it's optimistic but probably entirely possible. Obviously there is a lot of work to be done before regular flights can begin.

  3. Good job requirements list. Any idea what ITAR stands for?
