Monday, September 29, 2014

Corporate Vs. Commercial

There are quite a few differences when comparing both commercial and corporate aviation. Listed below will be a comparison model:

-Higher pay
-Ability to increase seniority faster
-Less restrictions in general
-Possibility of better hours (Meaning days on and days off)
-Can induct inflight meetings
-Can work for billable hours while in flight

-Multiple opportunities
-Flight benefits
-Possible union
-Known schedule with advance
-Possible lower fare

When companies need to send their employees on business trips, it can get quite expensive flying commercial. For instance, one business class ticket to Europe or Asia can cost upwards to $13,000.  When sending two or more employees to the same destination, chartering their own aircraft can be much cheaper. This is especially true if a company sends multiple employees to a destination. I truly do believe that if the cost for a private charter is cheaper than flying commercial, then by all means, a company should do it.

A corporate aviation company that I chose to model is Pentastar Aviation located at Pontiac International Airport in Oakland County, MI. Pentastar offers a lot of services like aircraft management, aircraft charter services, executive terminal operations, maintenance, avionics, aviation advisors and five star gourmets catering. In addition it provides marketing through pamphlets, complete description booklets, online advertising, word of mouth, company website and an app for smart phones. Though they are not currently hiring pilots at this current time, they do offer a very competitive benefits package.



  1. Good comparison. A more accurate statement about pay may be "higher starting pay" under corporate. Pentastar is an interesting company to work for, so I hear.

  2. I like how you compared the two sides using bullet points at the top it made it very easy to read. I also like the things you said about Pentastar I drive by there all the time and never quite knew what they did thank you for the information.
