Tuesday, September 23, 2014

NextGen-The Future

According to the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), NextGen is a new era of flight.  Let me elaborate on that.  NextGen plans to use earths satellites that are orbiting the earth as a way of pinpointing aircrafts precise position. As of right now, most of the world is using an archaic form of locating aircrafts and that is known as radar.

Using NextGen for satellite landings will allow the aircraft to be more efficient and predictable on arrival times.  This great new technology will also be used on the ground for a more direct route to your gate or hanger.  Cutting all these little corners such as direct routes and shortened taxi times could save companies millions of dollars in fuel costs over the course of the year.

As for GA (General Aviation) NextGen will help in exactly the same way. GA aircrafts that are equipped with the necessary avionics to support NextGen will have an array of safety technology at an arms reach.  Some of this technology includes a precise satellite landing in IFR conditions as well as live weather in cockpit.  This live weather is a great improvement and the system will actually reroute the aircraft around the weather in the most efficient way. NextGen is truly the wave of the future.

A way that the FAA could get funding for a project like this would be to charge slightly higher landing fees at airports that are equipped with the NextGen technology. Another option might be to charge a slightly higher tariff on the equipment needed to use NextGen.  These are just a couple ideas that might be of help.

In my own personal opinion, I don't see NextGen effecting my career too much. If it did, I would see the effect being a positive one. More direct routes along with more precise approaches as well as weather avoidance... If anything it seems to be creating a safer future for myself and others.






  1. I like the idea of having a higher landing fee at airports with NextGen technology. It might seem like a hassle for the airports to collect these fees at first but i'm sure that the air carriers will see the benefit of such a system. I agree that NextGen will make a safer environment for everyone in aviation

  2. I love how you call radar an archaic system. I am forced to agree with you as well. I am currently earning my instrument certification and seeing the difference in VOR and GPS approaches is amazing especially when it comes to the level of precision. NextGen will be impressive when everyone has it.

  3. I like your idea to charge a tariff on the equipment required to use ADS-B. It is another good way to transfer the cost to the user.

  4. Good info - do you think GA should be charged user fees or just commercial carriers?
